Our Mission.
Polite Tumor’s mission is to provide financial assistance to young adults under 40 who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. When financial assistance comes with strings attached, the message is “we know what you need more than you know what you need.” Polite Tumor challenges that model. What we know is that cancer is expensive, that every person’s needs are different, and that no one can foresee the financial obstacles that will be thrown their way. We’re giving this community the opportunity to look beyond their diagnosis and their treatment, we’re providing the freedom to heal – however they define it.
Meet Shonna.
"The grant I received has healed my soul and peace of mind. It has helped me during a time when I needed to focus on myself for once. Being a mother of two beautiful boys, I found myself not taking care of myself. But with cancer you have to... and you have to allow others to help you on this journey. The Polite Tumor grant helped me when I didn’t have the physical ability to go to work and provide for my children. I'm so thankful and blessed to have them help me in my time of need not just for me but for my family.”